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Columbia University, March 2020

Terrorism was a darkly comic rendering of the latent violence lurking beneath the mundanity of everyday life. Throughout the play, changing settings and soundscapes included a city park, an office, a locker room, and an airport. The design aesthetic was inspired by grunge and grime in every day life, and included otherworldly panic attack plane crashes, overdriven ambient guitar compositions, and a disgusting slobbering pug in a dog crate that one reviewer assumed was unfortunately real.

Directed by Velani Dibba. Set Designer Megan Parker. Costume Designer Ashley Gardner. Lighting Designer Ashley Kok.

At the climax of the play, a character boards a plane and progresses into a gradual panic attack while actors on either side of the space overlap dialogue.

During preshow, airport ambience loops while audience enters. Occasionally this contains an actor recorded announcement.

Transition from apartment to office, with tension of a snapping noose.

Transition from office to park, with squeaking swing.

Transition from park to locker room, with banging from character locked inside a locker.

00:00 / 02:09
00:00 / 00:40
00:00 / 00:43
00:00 / 00:45
00:00 / 00:49
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